Page name: I Love Kriz [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-10-27 21:06:36
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I Love Kriz

Other WIkis i have:

-Kriz' Piks
-Oreo.Lovers I LOVE MY OREO!!!Dont YOU?!

You say im Hot?Sexy?Cute?

wich im NOT!

You say u


You want to MARRY me?
or.......ur just MY FRIEND :D


Here's a Banner, ADD IT TO UR PAGE!!! :P
Url to it: **

Or This Banner for the ONLY FRIENDS



Please stop fighting for beeing the first on my list, that dosnt means anything


02-[Illusional mind]
05-[owell whatever nevermind]
07-[kai ri]
09-[Cute Deranged Psycho]
11-[Disconnect ..-Dots-..]
13-[Little Insane Cat]
14-[Rizzie and Bump]
15-[Obi-Wan's Padawan Learner]
17-[Miss Pinkki Doodles]
19-[Cute face wit a chubby waist]
20-[Grotesque Desire]
22-[~twilight falcon~]
26-[the loved wolf]
27-[Acomplished Exile]
28-["Mommy" -Yoyo's Mom^^]
29-[Lithium Lullaby]
30-[~* ZoDi4C *~]

Put The Damn MotherFuckig BAnner on Ur Damn Page Homies -.-

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2004-08-23 [Acomplished Exile]: go as afar away from the usa as possible, that way you wont die in a terorist attack................

2004-08-23 [Fateless]: that's what i want to do...i've always wanted to leave the US...i hate...i really do!!

2004-08-23 [the loved wolf]: hi all

2004-08-23 [Fateless]: hellOOO

2004-08-23 [blinx4436]: hi

2004-08-23 [Lithium Lullaby]: hello

2004-08-23 [Fateless]: hiya

2004-08-23 [Lithium Lullaby]: how are ya

2004-08-23 [Fateless]: super tired and in lots of pain! you?

2004-08-23 [Lithium Lullaby]: pretty good

2004-08-23 [Fateless]: that's good...

2004-08-23 [Lithium Lullaby]: yeah

2004-08-23 [Fateless]: yup...i gotta go...bye

2004-08-23 [Acomplished Exile]: your voice rings liek a bell anyway, dont give up your independence unless it feels so rite, nothing good come easily sometimes you got to rise wohhhhhhhh

2004-08-23 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: oh great, now everyone hates the usa...boohoo

2004-08-23 [Acomplished Exile]: usa is like the worst place on earth......................I mean there is so much freedom i dont jnow what to do with it....i get confused..................i hope fidel's gurd's cok pices are better ;)

2004-08-24 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: -.-

2004-08-24 [Acomplished Exile]: -;-

2004-08-24 [beautiful _ darkness]: well its not the worst really and the usa aint as wonderful as its made out to be and there isnt that much freedom here anymore

2004-08-24 [blinx4436]: true.

2004-08-24 [Acomplished Exile]: its safer though

2004-08-25 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: It's SAFER? Safer than?

2004-08-25 [Fateless]: there never really was any real "freedom" once that one thingy was signed and it's not as safe as it could be if you really think about it...too many drunks and suicidals....crazy shit happens every day!

2004-08-25 [beautiful _ darkness]: yea it truely isnt one of the safest but it is safer then alot of places but we all do have the right to our own opion

2004-08-25 [Fateless]: not really....i'd feel safer in Africa or even one of those 3rd world countries......

2004-08-25 [beautiful _ darkness]: y?

2004-08-25 [blinx4436]: yeah, why?

2004-08-25 [Acomplished Exile]: bunch of ignorants, you dont, non of you know what you have and what you a part of

2004-08-25 [blinx4436]: what are we a part of??? i have no clue... please tell me...

2004-08-25 [Acomplished Exile]: for are part of the only nation with balls to invade other countries for its own fate and sake................just think, analiza............

2004-08-25 [blinx4436]: yeah...there's that... listen, just cause i live in the U.S. doesent mean I approve of the way things are run! I'm just mad that we invade a country(s) that did not do anything wrong, killed thousands of civillans, had a pointless war, and had lots of soldiers die! It's all just pointless!!! sorry for the rambling, i just had to get that off my chest...

2004-08-25 [blinx4436]: *takes a breath* go ahead, i won't bite anymore...

2004-08-26 [Acomplished Exile]: pointless? he was shown evidence of another 9/11 type attack on the way(he did not know some of it was fake, not his fault). would've you likeed him to shove it up his ass or do something about it?

2004-08-26 [Acomplished Exile]: oh and by the way if it were for you............think of this please.........sadam's ass would still be in power and thatgreat iraqi olympic soccer team that is winnign it all would be shitting things somewere else

2004-08-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: the us changed a great deal we changed the fate of millions of people some for the better and some for the worse

2004-08-26 [Fateless]: ...i'm not gonna answer your why's becuz i honestly don't know why...i have heard of stories where people went there and they did feel safer...but becuz i haven't i won't say why...can we talk about something else?! i really don't care about all the shit we're talking's just something that happened and we lived thru it.

2004-08-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: lets talk about monkey

2004-08-26 [Fateless]: monkay?!?!

2004-08-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: kriz

2004-08-26 [Fateless]: OOooooOOOoh!!!!!

2004-08-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: lol

2004-08-26 [Fateless]: monkay! ish not here...*tear* soo sad!

2004-08-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: yea he aint on alot anymore and he has omgush hard homework i talked to him yesterday thou he is doing good

2004-08-26 [Fateless]: he started school already?! hahahaha!! i hope he see's me laughing at him!! hahahaha!!! oh wait...that might not be too smart...oh well!!!

2004-08-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: lol he started almost a month ago

2004-08-26 [Fateless]: hahahaha!! i laugh even harder!!!! sorry...i had to!!! i don't start till next week...that's why i laugh!!

2004-08-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: i start the 31st

2004-08-26 [Fateless]: cool...that's the day before me...

2004-08-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: dang it

2004-08-26 [Fateless]: ^_^ what's dang it about it?

2004-08-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: well your the first person who starts later then i

2004-08-26 [Fateless]: my best friends start a week after me

2004-08-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: gezz

2004-08-26 [Fateless]: :P

2004-08-26 [Fateless]: .............

2004-08-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: lol

2004-08-26 [Fateless]: i'm really tired...........i could care less right about now....

2004-08-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: lol

2004-08-26 [Fateless]: ..............

2004-08-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: you really should sleep

2004-08-26 [Fateless]: i know

2004-08-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: go to sleep

2004-08-26 [Fateless]: i don't wanna!!!!! nooooo you can't makeme!!!!!!!!

2004-08-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: go to sleep

2004-08-26 [Fateless]: uh uh

2004-08-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: go to sleep

2004-08-26 [Fateless]: you go to sleep!!!

2004-08-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: im not tried

2004-08-26 [Fateless]: shut up!!!

2004-08-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: wat i do?

2004-08-26 [Fateless]: i'm not going!

2004-08-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: you will in time

2004-08-26 [Fateless]: yeah in like 10 min...

2004-08-26 [beautiful _ darkness]: mwhahaha

2004-08-26 [the loved wolf]: hi all

2004-08-26 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Ha ha, he just has...swimming classes XD And ummm, yeah...He's been busy lately...Poor lil fella...And could we please lay off the Bush/USA/Saddam thing?

2004-08-26 [the loved wolf]: yeah please???

2004-08-26 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Cuz, he is starting to be more irksome than usual

2004-08-26 [the loved wolf]: hahahahaha

2004-08-26 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: o.O FUNNY??? YOU FIND IT FUNNY? You don't go to the same school as him ><

2004-08-26 [the loved wolf]: thats good

2004-08-26 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: o.O

2004-08-26 [the loved wolf]: hahahaha

2004-08-26 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Stop laughing

2004-08-26 [Acomplished Exile]: you ppl talk so much crap when im gone

2004-08-27 [beautiful _ darkness]: you go to skool as him?

2004-08-27 [Acomplished Exile]: as her(pinkki)

2004-08-27 [Lithium Lullaby]: hello

2004-08-27 [beautiful _ darkness]: hi hi

2004-08-27 [Lithium Lullaby]: how are you

2004-08-27 [beautiful _ darkness]: good

2004-08-27 [Lithium Lullaby]: thats cool

2004-08-27 [beautiful _ darkness]: yea what about you

2004-08-27 [Lithium Lullaby]: I'm good

2004-08-27 [beautiful _ darkness]: awesome

2004-08-27 [the loved wolf]: hi all

2004-08-27 [beautiful _ darkness]: sup sup

2004-08-27 [the loved wolf]: nutin much

2004-08-27 [beautiful _ darkness]: kooley

2004-08-28 [Acomplished Exile]: boring ^

2004-08-28 [beautiful _ darkness]: lol

2004-08-28 [Fateless]: snore/snoor/snor....i can't spell

2004-08-28 [Acomplished Exile]: boring ^

2004-08-28 [the loved wolf]: boring

2004-08-29 [beautiful _ darkness]: meep

2004-08-29 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: "You don't go to the same school as him ><"

2004-08-29 [beautiful _ darkness]: yea so?

2004-08-29 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Not as him....What you said earlier o.O

2004-08-29 [beautiful _ darkness]: i know

2004-08-29 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: o.O mmmmkay then...sooOoorry

2004-08-29 [beautiful _ darkness]: lol it ok

2004-08-30 [the loved wolf]: really??

2004-08-30 [beautiful _ darkness]: yea o.O

2004-08-30 [Lithium Lullaby]: hmmm...??

2004-08-30 [beautiful _ darkness]: meep

2004-08-30 [Lithium Lullaby]: how is everyone

2004-08-30 [beautiful _ darkness]: getting sleepy

2004-08-30 [Lithium Lullaby]: hmmm same school

2004-08-30 [beautiful _ darkness]: hehe im at home me start skool tomorrow

2004-08-30 [Lithium Lullaby]: I started school today

2004-08-31 [Black Monkee Mutation]: i started school fukin long time agoo, its already fukin my brain !!! i cnat get much sleep, swimming, plus kempo , then hhomework i dun even have time to BATHROOM ANYMORE!!!!!!! plus the darn dishes mondays wendesdays and fridays! HEEEELP!!!!!!!!!!

2004-08-31 [Black Monkee Mutation]: btw im makin this really really kool drawin for art class, :P ohhhh yeah, its gona be asskicking shit^^ lets hope they put it on the EXPO!^^

2004-08-31 [Black Monkee Mutation]: ...this is one huge big ass wiki....woah xD

2004-08-31 [Lithium Lullaby]: LMAO...awww poor Kriz...I just started today and I have school tomorrow but I' on anyway ^^

2004-08-31 [Black Monkee Mutation]: do not LAUGH Foolish GRNGA!!!! >.< THIS IS HELL IM GOING TROUGH!!! lol

2004-08-31 [Lithium Lullaby]: then why are you laughing lol...I like making fun of the new freshman at school

2004-08-31 [Lithium Lullaby]: they're so tiny!!

2004-08-31 [Black Monkee Mutation]: lol in my school theyre so small i have to walk looking down cu zi might step on ofe of them xD

2004-08-31 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol yeah thats how they are here aren't you a senior?? j/w

2004-08-31 [the loved wolf]: hi all

2004-08-31 [Lithium Lullaby]: go away Ohyness

2004-08-31 [Fateless]: dat wasn't nice....

2004-09-01 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ....HEY!!! SMALL PEOPLE ARE COOL! MMKA? -.-' damn trees. Nop, he's just a lil junior...ha ha...HEY!!! imma careful o.O

2004-09-01 [Fateless]: i'm not a freshy any more!! now i'm a wise fool...oh well!!

2004-09-01 [the loved wolf]: hahahahahaha

2004-09-01 [Lithium Lullaby]: I'm a sophmore...phyness is a freshman...I like being a's fun

2004-09-01 [the loved wolf]: so your older than what??

2004-09-01 [Lithium Lullaby]: well she supposed to be a freshman...not until next year now cause she goofed off

2004-09-01 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Mmmmkay...

2004-09-02 [Acomplished Exile]: sophmore kicks freshie asssssssssssssssssssssssss

2004-09-02 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: oh sure they do

2004-09-02 [Fateless]: lol!! don't forget that you were once a freshie!!

2004-09-02 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: And he got his ass kicked very often

2004-09-02 [Fateless]: who did!?! i want to laugh at him!!!!

2004-09-02 [Acomplished Exile]: by who? whi kicked my ass? samuel?no. ermmmmmmmmm who?

2004-09-02 [Fateless]: hahahha!! you got your ass kicked?! hahaha!!!!!!!!

2004-09-03 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ^^Mmmmmhmmm

2004-09-03 [Acomplished Exile]: lol..............she has been going on wedding style lately and i gave her a break but i think am going to start picking her up again >.<

2004-09-03 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I'll bite you.

2004-09-03 [Lithium Lullaby]: hey all

2004-09-03 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: hallo...

2004-09-03 [Lithium Lullaby]: how are ya??

2004-09-03 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: just dandy! You?

2004-09-03 [Acomplished Exile]: im just fandy feeling handy for some hanki spanking to your dandyness

2004-09-03 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol I'm fine too

2004-09-03 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: up yours, dushbag

2004-09-03 [Lithium Lullaby]: dun sound happy

2004-09-03 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: dandy ain't happy, just with perk

2004-09-03 [Lithium Lullaby]: hmmm lol what aren't you happy about

2004-09-03 [Acomplished Exile]: <----------- take a wild guess on her happiness

2004-09-03 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: You wish

2004-09-03 [Acomplished Exile]: nono oh nevermind

2004-09-04 [Fateless]: i fell asleep in 4 of my classes's only the 3rd day of school...

2004-09-04 [Acomplished Exile]: that sucks man. school is entertaning

2004-09-04 [the loved wolf]: hi all

2004-09-04 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: mmmmmmmhmm

2004-09-05 [Fateless]: not if you go to my school...i hate it and it hates me! lol, j/k!

2004-09-05 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: hmmm...

2004-09-05 [Fateless]: ..........

2004-09-05 [Acomplished Exile]: you are so square, both of you specially fate................mhhmm? wtf?

2004-09-05 [Acomplished Exile]: i want to boycot pinkki and her sarcasm...............the mmmhhmm is annoying and disrespectful. dont answeer simply and you air heads stop posting shit, get a life! So.............say no to the cold hearted bitch ^^

2004-09-05 [the loved wolf]: hahahahahahaha

2004-09-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I'm the irksome one? You desire to boycott me? Fine, go ahead. I won't peeve you again.

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: lol. . . . . young gras hopper please dont take offense, this is just exeperimenting with point of views, its lovely

2004-09-06 [the loved wolf]: lol

2004-09-06 [Fateless]: why are we square?? i'm more like a round, bubbley like thing....

2004-09-06 [Lithium Lullaby]: hey all

2004-09-06 [Fateless]: helllloooooooOOOOO!!!!

2004-09-06 [Acomplished Exile]: god fateless its enver ending, now im boycotting you for having such a lame ass

2004-09-06 [the loved wolf]: hahahahahahaaha

2004-09-06 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol

2004-09-07 [the loved wolf]: what was all that about???[Acomplished Exile]??

2004-09-07 [Fateless]: you know what...i am lame! and damn proud of it!!! so you can go to hell if you have a problem!!!

2004-09-07 [the loved wolf]: calm down [Fateless]

2004-09-07 [Lithium Lullaby]: you're lame too [the loved wolf] quit talking

2004-09-07 [Black Monkee Mutation]: LOL

2004-09-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: wow, pelea de gatos...Andres, mira lo que has hecho! Douchebag! Estan peleando por cual le puedes dar el placer de llamar charra...ay vizne

2004-09-07 [Acomplished Exile]: jajajajja esta tipa, callate missys...................hey hey there is pancakes for both of you babes

2004-09-08 [Fateless]: everybody's lame in their own way so stop arguing about it!! ooowww! my face hurts...don't's not what you think!! trust me!!

2004-09-08 [Acomplished Exile]: i told you it was comign hard miss................but its okay, practice makes perfection

2004-09-08 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: douchebag

2004-09-08 [Acomplished Exile]: that is not funny nor insulting, its dull. makes you suck

2004-09-08 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: i find it funny, cuz i know what it is^^

2004-09-08 [Acomplished Exile]: what is it?

2004-09-08 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: look it up

2004-09-09 [Acomplished Exile]: actually i gave you that insult. so it means god, im god, you are virgin mary now

2004-09-09 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: you never called me a douchebag, you idiot

2004-09-09 [triad]: right. . . i thought u liked vero....

2004-09-09 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: .....

2004-09-09 [Acomplished Exile]: tu estas lleno de meirda(beto), as was I back in those days^^ . . . . .misis estatic plesse gimme a reason on why i shouldnt hit you next time i see you

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